2025 EntryBritEd currently represents the select range of UK universities listed below. We also offer you the chance to apply through us to all UK universities, to exclude Oxbridge |
Bangor University | www.bangor.ac.uk |
Bournemouth University | www.bournemouth.ac.uk |
University of Bristol | www.bristol.ac.uk |
University of East Anglia | www.uea.ac.uk |
University of Edinburgh | www.ed.ac.uk |
University of Exeter | www.exeter.ac.uk |
University of Loughborough | www.lboro.ac.uk |
Newcastle University | www.ncl.ac.uk |
University of Nottingham | www.nottingham.ac.uk |
Oxford Brookes University | www.brookes.ac.uk |
University of Southampton | www.soton.ac.uk |
University of Sussex | www.sussex.ac.uk |